EAN13 is a barcode generator. Enter a valid EAN13 code in the text box, click Generate. The barcode is displayed in the image. Then you can Save the picture. In the install folder (right click on the icon, show properties, access the application folder), the file <EAN13>_EAN13.png is created.
If you have a lot of barcodes to create, edit a text file (example EAN13.TXT) with a barcode per line. Sample:
Put the text file in the application install folder (%APPDATA%\..\Local\EAN13 by default), launch a shell, then type :
C:\…> CD %APPDATA%\..\Local\EAN13
C:\…> EAN13 EAN13.TXT
A picture with the EAN13 barcode is generated for each valid EAN13 code in the EAN13.TXT file.
Note: If you don’t know the value of the check digit (13th), you can enter twelve digits and let the program compute the last.
You can download the install program of EAN13 in english.
The application has been done with MyVisualDatabase (a cheap and well done environment similar to Delphi).