Stones – Animation pipeline

After the tests, it’s time to set all the context.

The work has been done to setup the sounds and musics import, to manage screen resolution with a pixel perfect mode (windowed and full screen). The last part was a bit tricky (10h ! a lot of  changes between GM Studio 1.4 and 2 about views and cameras).

The last big missing part was… sprites and animations management. I spent nearly a full day to build the pipeline : find and learn software that can fit in my tools chain (Affinity Designer & GM Studio).

The winners are CrazyTalk Animator and TexturePacker !

I don’t know if this choice is the best but It’s cleary the one I will stick by : the sofwares are not that hard to use and produce really good stuffs.


Stones (game) splash screen has markers for 16/9 and 4/3 which helped me to test the screen resolution management. The game stay full height and adapt its width regarding the monitor aspect ratio.

I’m now working on the GUI : menu, navigation between options,… I hope I could be back on the gameplay soon when all the boring (but required) things are in place.

If you want to see how a game in the starting block looks like (actually just a girl walking… and a menu), just click.
